Friday, December 25, 2009

Color Sort is now available in Series

JV Boys now can be selected like this
Correct Age is no longer needed to get results table.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

WIOL O-scores Standings after #4

Girls Standings

By far the fastest is Bonnie Gilbery with Score of almost 69.
Dana Breseman and Becky Forgrave is in tight 2-3 battle with 64 points,
Current official leader Tracy Whelen is 4th speed-wise and will have hard time holding the place when the three above mentioned qualify.

Boys Standings

Jason Allmaras is the fastest with ~93 speed points
Reid Mayfield would be very tight match if not for his poor performance at WIOL #3. He will need to run at least 5 races to have this slow one erased. An given that he already skipped one race - it is a tough task.

Michael Heath can be relatively comfortable at 3rd position (~81 points)

Very close race to watch is between Daniel Cernin and Kevin Wills. Both are about 75 points, qualified and a lot of potential.

JV Girls

The fastest by far is Meredith McCormack-Mager with ~60 points
Becca Cates and April McCabe are next closes ones with ~53 points.
Kendall Rock , Gabby Crawford and Lucy Hill follow very close with ~49 points.

JV Boys

Alexander Cook, Simon Barbe, David Inglis, Alec Glassford, Devon Grove and Mike Klinge all are above 70 Speed points and can win the series.
Stability is the key.


WIOL2009-10 Series updated

WIOL Series is updated.
Last event is here and Current Standing now looks like this

Compare with official standings here

Course 1 is White through Course 7 - Blue.

I need to work on the search criteria and implement option of choosing races by color. Currently only Age specific classes are available and I must admit I have no clue what is the age of each participant.

Approximately M,F-10 means White; M,F-12 Yellow; F-14 Orange; M14 Brown; F-16 Green and M-16 - Red;

Flashback to 2004

Following recent request at attackpoint about old 2004 Maine Championship, I added it to my database.

Maine and Maritimes Champs, OME

Now I have 7 A-meet level races from 2004

14 races in 2003
2 races 2002
5 races 2001
6 races 2000

I think I have ALL A-races for years 2005+. Thanks to Valerie.

Anybody has data for missing events?

First post

Now I have couple events per month steady update and I decided to combine all event descriptions in one place - this blog.